Online audio resources


Below you will find links to some free online audio resources for relaxation, mindfulness, compassion, sleep and general wellbeing. I have tried to find resources from reputable academic or health bodies that have been prepared under proper guidance and to a high standard. As they are links to outside sources I cannot guarantee their quality. If they do not suit you please use your judgment and do not persist with them. if you have any concerns or a link is broken, I would be very grateful if you could contact me so that I can update this page.

Please remember that these are no substitute for a professional opinion or advice from a suitably qualified and experienced mental health professional.  The resources and information supplied here are intended to support good practice, not to replace it. In no event will Bristol CBT be liable for any loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this website.


Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS: Audio files of relaxation techniques that can help relieve stress and gain a sense of well-being. Available in both male and female voices.

Anxiety Canada: How to do Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Male and female voice.


Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice, University of Bangor: audio downloads

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center: Free guided meditations in English and Spanish

UC San Diego Health: The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness has prepared a number of practices that are available in MP3 format


The Compassionate Mind Foundation: audio resources

ACT with Compassion: audio recordings to develop self-compassion


MIT Medical: print and audio downloads that could help you overcome insomnia, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality

SleepHub: audio resources


NHS Moodzone: a series of mental wellbeing podcasts or audio guides you can listen to in your own time, in private, to help you through times when your mood is low or you’re feeling anxious