Overcoming depression workbook

The following links will take you to the chapters of a workbook I wrote for a 12-session, CBT, group treatment for people experiencing low mood and depression. The group ran for several years and was generally found to be helpful. I am making the material available both for other mental health professionals who might find it useful in their own work and for anyone interested in understanding depression and its treatment using CBT.

Please remember that these resources are no substitute for a professional opinion or advice from a suitably qualified and experienced mental health professional. The resources and information supplied here are intended to support good practice, not to replace it. In no event will Bristol CBT be liable for any loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this website.

Unless otherwise stated, these resources are all © Andrew Grimmer

Overcoming depression: Introduction

Overcoming depression chapter 01: Depression – an introduction

Overcoming depression chapter 02: What am I avoiding?

Overcoming depression chapter 03: What do I want: setting goals, chunking and scheduling?

Overcoming depression chapter 04: Meaningful and manageable activities

Overcoming depression chapter 05: What’s holding me back? Force-field analysis

Overcoming depression chapter 06: What have I learned so far – consolidating your achievements and dealing with setbacks

Overcoming depression chapter 07: Personal values

Overcoming depression chapter 08: Dealing with rumination

Overcoming depression chapter 09: Dealing with difficult and painful thoughts

Overcoming depression chapter 10: Assumptions and experiments

Overcoming depression chapter 11: Core beliefs and self-prejudice

Overcoming depression chapter 12: Blue print for change

Overcoming depression: Spare worksheets