Contact details

You can contact Bristol CBT using the following details:

Tel: +44 (0)780 609 3773

How to get here

My practice address is: 22 Ambrose Road, Bristol BS8 4RJ

Front entrance

This is the interior of the therapy room

The address is accessible by public transport. There are buses that stop in Clifton or on Hotwell Road, with the room being a 5-to-10-minute walk away. It is also accessible on foot from College Green, which is about 20-30 minutes’ walk away.

If you are driving, there is metered parking on the right-hand side of the road (facing down the hill). Metered parking is active between 9am and 7pm, Monday to Saturday. You can get a free ticket for 30 minutes from the meter while an hour costs £1-50 and two hours £3-00. You can pay using RinGo and the location code is 22755 in the CH zone. While the address is not in the Bristol Clean Air zone, Hotwell Road immediately below is, so it would be wise to check whether you are liable to pay the fee using the charges and vehicle checker. You can find a map of the Clean Air Zone here.