Psychosexual articles

This section of my website is intended for mental health professionals who might wish to know more about psychosexual issues that are not always covered in general training. It consists of a variety of articles, essays and supervision briefing sheets that I have written over the past few years. They are intended to provide a background understanding when working with issues of gender, sexual and relationship diversity and with psychosexual issues. I was prompted to write and publish them as a result of a number of conversations with supervisees and colleagues where it became apparent that there was a wish for accessible information on these topics to support supervision. I hope that you will find them useful.

Rainbow painting photo

Clinical issues for CBT therapists when working with gender, sexuality and relationship diversity

This is an extended briefing paper that I wrote for supervisees who wished to know more about gender, sexuality and relationship diversity, including issues such as minority stress, models of sexual identity development, transgender issues, and culturally sensitive adaptations to CBT when working with LGBTQI clients.

The ANTICIPATE-ENGAGE-APPRECIATE model: A user-friendly description of human sexual functioning

This article is my understanding of what I describe as a user-friendly model of sexual functioning. It is hoped that it is straightforward enough that it can be used by psychological therapists without needing to have a specialised psychosexual therapy training.

The impact of SSRI medication on sexual functioning

This article is an adaptation of an essay that I submitted for the London Diploma in Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy that I have updated to include a description of the psychophysiology of sexual functioning.